Property Management

Have Your Rental Properties Effectively Managed With Our Assistance!

Property Management Services at Vegas Market Source Realty

At Vegas Market Source Realty, we serve as a full-service property management company for our clients to make their investment experience as stress-free as possible. Two of the essential tasks we fulfill as a part of our property management services are screening and handling property maintenance.

Screening Tenants

Screening Tenants

Finding the right tenants you can trust with your property can be challenging. Our realtors have a wide network that they use to not only find landlords with the right tenants but also run background checks and screen them to ensure they’re the best choice for you. Furthermore, we’ll also help you initiate the eviction process if our property managers suspect the risk of property damage, illegal activity on your property, and other risks.

Handling Property Maintenance

Handling Property Maintenance

Whether a tenant is moving in or out or you need to prepare your property for a new tenant, you can now rely on our property management services to handle all the maintenance tasks associated with your rental home. We keep an eye out for repairs and renovations whenever needed for your rental property. Our aim is to give your tenants a comfortable and welcoming experience throughout their rental contract with you.

Rent Collection

Rent Collection

Whether you’re on vacation or live in another town, our property maintenance solutions are the perfect choice for you when you need your rent paid and collected on time. We’ll collect rent on your behalf every month without the stress of delayed rental payments.